INvertebrateIT is a new innovative project funded under the European Union’s EASME programme in the field of ‘transfer of innovative solutions to sea basin economies’ that aims to help aquaculture operators mitigate their current dependence on costly, volatile, and often unsustainable fish feeds, to diversify their business and to contribute to a better management of valuable organic waste and/or new algal substrates for invertebrate production |
TITLE: | INvertebrateIT – Disruptive and forward-looking opportunities for competitive and sustainable aquaculture |
INSTRUMENT: | Blue Careers in Europe |
TOTAL BUDGET: | €860,996.00 |
DURATION: | April 2017 - March 2019 (24 months) |
COORDINATOR: | Innogate to Europe S.L. (INNO), Spain |
CONSORTIUM: | 7 partners from 5 countries |
WEBSITE: | www.invertebrateitproject.eu |
The general objective of INvertebrateIT is to gather influential actors together to define a Joint Roadmap and Investment Plan across the EU Atlantic Basin to promote and exploit the value chain of production of invertebrates, such as insects, for sustainable fish feeds, competitive aquaculture and integrated waste management. This responds to the global challenges of food security, marine environmental impact and resource efficiency, and to the regional ones of EU aquaculture competitiveness, integrated management and Blue Growth accessibility, aiming to accelerate the transfer of technology towards disruptive leadership, developing industrial opportunities using invertebrates for feeds, value-added waste management, aquaculture diversification and other innovative value chains, equipping Atlantic coastal regions with strategic tools and real opportunities that are forward-looking, transversal, accessible and most adequate for growth and job creation in the area. INvertebrateIT strives to generate transnational PPPs to seize this opportunity and to develop 3 ready-to-invest demonstration projects. |
CONTACT INFORMATION For more information, contact info@aquatt.ie