
ASSEMBLE PLUS logo full colour

MBA Chemostat

ASSEMBLE Plus will provide scientists from academia, industry and policy with a quality-assured programme of trans-national (TA) and virtual access (VA) to marine biological research facilities, historical observation data, and advanced training opportunities.

TITLE: ASSEMBLE Plus - Association of European Marine Biological Research Laboratories Expanded
PROGRAMME: Horizon 2020
INSTRUMENT: Research and Innovation Action (RIA)
TOTAL BUDGET: €9.9 million
DURATION: October 2017 - September 2022 (60 months)
COORDINATOR: Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI (UPMC)
CONSORTIUM: 26 partners from 16 countries

ASSEMBLE Plus will provide scientists from academia, industry and policy with a quality-assured programme of access to the marine biological station facilities and resources. These stations offer a wide variety of services, including access to marine ecosystems, unique marine biological resources, state-of-the-art experimental and analytical facilities with integrated workflows, historical observation data, and advanced training opportunities. The goal is to stimulate European fundamental and applied research excellence in marine biology and ecology, thereby improving our knowledge and technology-base for the European bioeconomy, policy shaping and education.

ASSEMBLE Plus brings together marine stations and institutes with modern research infrastructures and track-records of unique service provision, from 14 European and two associated countries, under the leadership of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC), an ESFRI consortium developed from the previous ASSEMBLE (FP7) partnership.

The sum of the actions envisaged in ASSEMBLE Plus, including Access, Networking and Research will ultimately increase the number of users of marine biological stations and shape novel strategic development perspectives of the partners, to be based on effective integration and efficient complementarities, resulting in a key contribution to their long-term sustainability.


Avril new

Avril Hanbidge

Avril leads AquaTT's involvement in the ASSEMBLE Plus project. AquaTT's specific role within the project involves participating in Work Package (WP) 2: Management and Communication, which is the dissemination and communication of the project, its activities and outputs. Avril also lead AquaTT's involvement in WP5: Networking Activity 3 - 'Engaging with User Communities'. Avril also holds the role of Communications Officer on the ASSEMBLE Plus Management Team and Project Implementation Committee.

Contact Avril about ASSEMBLE Plus


Project Coordinator

Ilaria Nardello



Project Manager

Stécy Jombert





Funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Programme