STAGES aimrf to assist EU member states achieve GES and achieve the objectives of the MSFD |
TITLE: | Science and Technology Advancing Governance on Good Environmental Status |
PROGRAMME: | Coordination and Support Action, FP7 |
TOTAL BUDGET: | €1,119,510 |
EC CONTRIBUTION: | €999,733 |
DURATION: | September 2012 - September 2014 (24 months) |
CONSORTIUM: | eight partners from sven countries |
WEBSITE: | www.stagesproject.eu |
European Union member states with marine territories are required to implement measures to ensure that their marine waters achieve Good Environmental Status (GES) by 2020. The drive for healthier seas and oceans was conceived as part of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) which became European environmental legislation in 2008. Significant advances are being made in marine research that can (and will) underpin environmental assessments such as the MSFD. However, the full uptake of this marine knowledge is being hindered by the lack of effective interfaces between science and environmental policy. STAGES is an EC-funded project that directly addressed this knowledge gap through a series of targeted support activities that will develop additional scientific understanding for assessing GES and offer solutions to make this knowledge accessible, relevant and usable by policy-makers and stakeholders in the member states affected. |
CONTACT INFORMATION For more information, contact info@aquatt.ie |