The achieved outcomes were:
- The PESCALEX project has created an opensource Fish Health Toolset with multilingual units (EL, EN, ES, FR, GL, HU, NO, PL, PT, SW, TU) on fish health and selected fish diseases (Common European Reference Framework level B1 - 2).
- Supported by an innovative language package whose scope ranges from hesitant beginners to seasoned practitioners
- Self-tuition language lessons in EL, EN, ES, FR, GL, HU,NO, PL, PT, SW, TU at the lowest (CEFR A1-2 level) with audio input
- For those in the workplace who need instant, accurate top-level information at a high level (CEFR C1-2 level)
- three relevant glossaries (fish/health diseases, aquaculture, marine pollution) in EL, EN, ES, FR, GL, HU, NO, PL, PT, SW, TU.
- AMC Ltd, Dublin, Ireland (www.aqualex.org)
- AQUARK (Management Solutions for Aquatic Resources) (www.aquark.gr)
- HAKI (Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation, Hungary) (www.haki.hu)
- CETMAR (Centro Tecnologico del Mar - Fundacion), Vigo, Spain (www.cetmar.org)
- AQUATT, Ltd, Dublin, Ireland (www.aquatt.ie)
- The Faculty of Fisheries at the University of Rize, Turkey (www.enformatik.ktu.edu.tr/eakademik/856/)
- The Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling (www.aqua.stir.ac.uk)
Previous partners include:
- The Lycee de la Mer et du Littoral, located at the heart of France's most important oyster production where it specialises in vocational teaching.
- The Department of Aquaculture, Chemistry and Medical Laboratory Technology at the University College, Bergen, which works on environmental requirements of fish species under culture conditions, has close ties with the aquaculture industry in Norway.
- The Agricultural University in Szczecin, Poland, with large Aquaculture Department, provided advice and contributed to the development of training material and programmes.